Thursday, April 10, 2014

Overcome The Difficulties

My 3D journey has just began and I’m starting to get comfortable and figure out what I’m doing. But there have been some minor difficulties along the way because I’m still no expert and trying to get a grasp of a new program. I like the whole idea of making 3D objects but there are a few things I personally feel that you have to continuously keep in mind while working on your 3D object.

I’ve found myself forgetting to work in different camera views sometimes. You definitely NEED to adjust your perspective to make sure your work lines up, connects, and even looks realistic. For example, if your object has a limb and you need to connect it to its torso, the different views will help you and tell you whether or not the limb is in its proper place. You don’t want to just assume that you have it together from one angle and then all of sudden you begin to animate and it’s floating about in its own vacuum of space.

Also, check your rendering view every so often. Just because you’re working with your object and it looks one way on the grid, it can look completely different when you render. From a personal experience, I was creating a 3D character and I was basically making my own take on a robot. I wanted to keep him grey and decided to give him and inner glow to show some shine on his exterior. I soon got frustrated because my grey color tones weren’t matching what was on the scale. I didn’t know why it still appeared to be unchanged. Then finally, I clicked on my render view button and saw what I was doing. Then flipped back to modeling mode and continued on with tweaking the material of my character.

These were some of my difficulties so far with learning something new. I wanted to share it and see if anyone else had similar issues. Or perhaps, other issues you’ve overcome with 3D prospects?

Thanks! Come back again!

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