Monday, September 15, 2014


This week we had to create a website for Search Engine Optimization. Recently, I only vaguely knew what it was or at least it sounded familiar. As I was doing research it wasn't that hard to comprehend but it was sure a lot of information. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one but it became a little overwhelming with all the information I was consuming. And to not stress myself out, I took a break and got something to eat.

But that's where my weakness is-- breaks. Since I am a full time online student, my break environment is my house. And there's A LOT of temptation of pushing my responsibilities aside to do whatever. Basically, I'll procrastinate. I have to be on top of my schedule or I'll fall behind and reduce my motivation and dedication for my projects.

I have to keep myself with the mindset of getting my work done or I'll just get out of hand. Usually, I can procrastinate and whip something up real quick and it'll be a decent grade but this isn't high school and I don't want to present mediocre work.

The work is a lot different, the materials are a lot different, and my mindset of getting my work done has to be different. And then, and only then I will be successful.

--Kimberly Dinh

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